Thursday, March 16, 2017

Charlie's weekend adventure- MacKenzie King Estate

Dogs too get bored of the same food, the same walk and the same dog friends. We to get bored too. That's why every weekend we try a new walk or hike. We are lucking that we live in Ottawa since we have so many trails and walks that we can go to under half an hour. We have shared some in the past. See below links to MacKenzie King Estate and other hiking trails in the Gatineau.

Walking and Hiking in the Gatineau

Hiking and Walking at the Mackenzie King Estate

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How to tell your dog is cold.

Some dogs have a great coat to keep them warm in the winter and other dogs don't. So how how long can they endure the cold?  You need to look for signs and recognizing when it's time to go home.

First Signs of a cold dog.

1. Ice between their toes or on their body
2. Dog is shaking or shivering due to wetness, cold or both.

If you don't take action early your dog will have blisters and/or swelling as well as some frostbite.

Second Degree 

Second degree frostbite will result in skin blisters. Skin turns a very pale/gray colour on their ears, feet,toes and tails.

Third Degree

Third degree may result in gangrene resulting in amputation of affection area and sometimes death.

Dogs like Charlie have a double-coated fur to protect him from the cold weather and wet weather but they too have their limits. If you have a hairless dog, a dog with little fur, or you live, walk and run in a very cold climate, I recommend a coat made for your dog. You can also buy boots for your dog as well.

Always monitor your pet. Keep them safe. They rely on your judgement.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Charlie at The Mackenzie King Estate

Charlie at the Ruins

Most don't know that MacKenzie King, former Canadian Prime Minister in 1921–1926, 1926–1930 and 1935–1948 served was a devoted dog owner.

He had Irish Terriers, first three he named Pat. He praised his terrier friends as "a God-sent little angel in the guise of a dog, my dear little saviour"

MacKenzie King was not a people person but he really loved his dogs! I think he would have enjoyed seeing all the dogs walking in his estate.

Charlie enjoyed the Estate, he liked the ruins, paths, water fall (even if it was frozen), the trails and the cross country ski trails. Snow shoeing is good here too!

Charlie heard that the gardens are nice in the summer and a great place to have high tea.

Link for more info

Friday, March 10, 2017

Dogs making their own fun.

We can't always take Charlie for a walk or play with him so he has to make his own fun.

1.  Chewing on a good stick or bone from the butcher is something Charlie can do for hours.
2.  Kongs with frozen meat fillings are good too.
3.  A clean stuffy to chew on.
4.  Provide a place in the house that your dog can look out the window.
5.  Make a dog popsicle. Get a bowl, add some broth and freeze. Give to your dog outside.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

A beautiful feathered tail, constantly moving back and forth.

Duck Tollers are known for their beautiful flashing tails. Some tollers have a white tip at the end of their tails. Charlie's tails is long and always up when walking or excited. Toller tails are full of action depending what the toller is thinking or doing,

Charlie enjoys chasing his tail as well.

Friday, March 3, 2017

All wet!

Most dogs hate bath time usually due to the confined space, the scrubbing and the water. Below is some tips for dog bathing.

Bathing tips for dogs.

1. Use Lukewarm water and a soft spray of water.
2. Use soap made for dogs, its less harsh on their fur.
3. Give direction to your dog in a soft mild voice.
4. If possible be silly, try to make it fun for your dog.
5. Get some help if needed. An extra hand can make the experience quicker.
6. Wash the face last.
7. Have some some treats on hand and praise your dog when finished. It's a good idea to have a playtime or a good snuggle after bath time.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dogs that love to cuddle.

Want to cuddle with your dog? Cuddling with your dog is good for you in so many ways. Cuddling can lower your stress levels, lower your blood pressure, lower your risk of a stroke, can beat depression and help reduce pain and it's good for your dog too!

Studies have also shown that cuddling with your dog releases oxytocin in both you and in your pet. Oxytocin has a calming and soothing affect on pet and human. So enjoy cuddles on the couch and good long walks with your dog.

Here is a list of dogs that like to cuddle.

1. Duck Toller- Charlie loves to cuddle.
2. Labrador Retriever.
3. Golden Retriever.
4. Basset Hound
5. Maltese
6. Pug
5. Maltese
6. Collie

Downward dog..........why do dogs love this stretch?

Dogs do the downward dog bow for two reasons. First, it's a good stretch that feels good. It's also signal to other dogs and humans that I want to play!  Dogs will bounce and up and down in these positions when excited as well. So enjoy your dog. Have some fun.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Signs of Spring are in the air! Yes/Maybe?

Ice is off the river......first signs of spring.  Dogs love spring too. They get more outdoor time after being cooped up in the house. More dog park time as well as hikes, runs and more friends to see. Enjoy this time with your dog.